Business After Hours - Ritz Party Hire & Rockypest

Rebecca Luckens, Rory and Michele Wishart welcome you to Ritz Party Hire's premises at Shop 18 Ambrose Street Rockingham for this Business After Hours event. Please join the teams for an insight into what it takes to create the most amazing event styling and hear what the Rockypest team do to ensure you're homes and businesses are risk-free from creepy crawly and slithery things.
Business After Hours gives you the opportunity to inform members, associates and community members, of your business and its functions.
These events can be held for a variety of reasons, including promotion of new products, expanding your customer base and help build new relationships. After the presentations, you are then offered the opportunity to answer questions, network and mingle with the local business community.
The Rockingham Kwinana Chamber of Commerce strongly encourages businesses to co-host with other member businesses. Co-hosting these events maximises attendance and broadens the representation from a variety of industry sectors and it is also financially beneficial. The costs are split evenly between hosts, making the event affordable to all businesses involved.
Business After Hours are held once a month during the week with exception of January and commence at 5.30pm, with formal presentations at 6.00pm. Light refreshments are provided and the opportunity to network with guests is a feature.
0430 330 290
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